Section 4: "God opens Doors" [9:32]
Review of Outline of Acts
Once again, this new move is totally driven by the Holy Spirit.
- Door to the Gentiles
- Peters prison doors!
4.1 Peter raises the dead
- Show video clip of Peterraises the dead [9:32-43]
- 9:40 Notice the order in which Peter does things
- What do you think he prayed?
- Is it always Gods will to raise the dead?
- immediately?
- He wanted to make sure he was hearing God perfectly?
- story of John Welch
- Sam Storms idea of levels of faith, from general belief to a supernatural knowledge of what God is going to do
- Is there a progress in the signs and wonders?
- What do you think he prayed?
- Miracles in Acts
4.2 Salvation comes to the Gentiles
- Show video clip of Cornelius [10:1-11:18]
- 10:11 Why do you think that God did not just speak a straight command to Peter?
- very vivid!!
- God seems to like to stretch us
- we can easily underestimate what a big step this was for any Jew
- 10:17 Have you ever had timing be significant in your life?
Gospel comes to the Gentiles
- Notice that Peter is still preaching!!
- He is so shocked, especially since the manifestations are exactly the same as on the day of Pentecost
- 11:15, 11:17
- 11:1 The story is repeated almost exactly. Why?
4.3 A church is planted in Antioch
- Show video clip [11:19-30]
- 11:19 First major church plant: what do we learn about planting churches?
- church interdependence & kingdom values
- But not control of one church by another
- 11:28 First example of major prophetic gifting
- why is this little story important?
- It shows how a love-bond was forming between the Gentile and Jewish churches
- The Spirit-driven gift of prophecy enabled this love gift
- The character of N.T. prophecy is very different to O.T.
- O.T. prophets were like John the Baptist, an ultimatum from God, repent or be destroyed
- Paul tells us that the N.T. prophet is to build up and edify (1 Cor 14)
- Another example of prophetic gifting in Acts 15:32
- why is this little story important?
4.4 Peter freed from prison
- Show video clip of Peter [12:1-25]
- 12:6 Peter was sleeping!
- 12:9 Wow! Peter must have frequently experienced open visions
- 12:25 completes 11:30 (bookends)
- the focus now shifts, with this verse, from Jerusalem to Antioch
- Sets us up for the rest of the book
Response time
- You tell me what the Holy Spirt is saying to you in these passages?
- All of us have blind-spots and areas of immaturity in our understanding
- Even Spirit-filled Peter needed a massive mind-change
- We must always be willing to be challenged out of our mode of doing things
- pray that you never feel you have arrived
- pray that you will always be humble and willing to learn
- Let us ask God to open our eyes and our hearts to his new purposes and directions
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