Section 1: "They’ve just Begun" [1]
Review of Outline of Acts
The text [handout]
- 1:1 Part 2 of a 2-volume set
- 1:5 Baptized with the Holy Spirit and with fire
- Luke 3:16; 12:50; Mark 10:38-39
- Jesus, the pioneer, the forerunner

- But see Eph 1:19-20 -> the power of Jesus resurrection is already available to us.
- 1:26 Should we roll dice to determine Gods will?
- How to apply the book of Acts
- There is not the slightest hint that Luke believes he is writing about a special Apostolic Age which is coming to an end from Witherington commentary
- We can assume that most of the examples are given us to follow
- We can assume we are being given a pattern to follow if:
- There are positive repeated examples, e.g.
- prayer, praising God, healing
- eating together, sharing possessions when needed
- Peter or Pauls preaching
- but not in the case of casting lots to make decisions
- not in the case of waiting many days in an upper room
- The pattern is always the same
- they witness fearlessly
- churches are planted
- Paul keeps returning to churches to strengthen them
- but sequence of reception of the Spirit does not have a neat pattern
- There is clear divine approval
- Jesus tells Paul he is doing the right thing to go to Rome (contrary to the prophets)
- Holy Spirit answers their prayer for boldness and more of him
- There are positive repeated examples, e.g.
- How to apply the book of Acts
- 1:26 Was Matthias a mistake?
- 1 Cor 15:5 Paul refers to the 12 and he is not one of them
- James, killed by Herod, was not replaced
- There were several others, apart from Paul, called apostles.
- 2:17 Did they have The Holy Spirit in the O.T.?
- How does it compare with now?
- see paper New Life in the Spirit, at
- 2:19-20 Has it happened yet?
Peters Sermon
- Structure
- Introduction / point of contact (Link to current events)
- You crucified Jesus...
- but God raised him up again
- and exalted him to a position of power (which explains the miracles)
- so repent so that your sins will be forgiven and you will receive the promised blessing that Jesus is pouring out.
- Joel: what period of time?
- 2:37 Why did they respond like this to Peters preaching?
- Peters gifting was as a Spirit-filled (supernatural) teacher/preacher
- 2:25 Peters argument is from witnesses
- Witness of Scripture Joel prophesied the Spirit being poured out
- Witness of the Spirit They saw Jesus miracles
- Witness of the Scripture David prophesied the resurrection
- Witness of the Spirit to what you see and hear 2:34
- What gift was Peter given?
- Why did they respond to his message? -was it his boldness, his passionate preaching style?
- Peter had the gift of empowered preaching/teaching
- That meant that when he delivered the truth, the Spirit delivered powerful conviction to the hearts of the hearers
2:42-47 Characteristics of a healthy church
- What are some characteristics?
- teaching
- fellowship
- breaking bread
- prayer
- supernatural power (probably healing)
- love
- evangelism
- giving generously
Other questions:
- Why did Peter not tell them to wait 40 days for the Spirit to come to them?
- Did they all receive Peters gift?
- There is usually a development of gifting
- But a gift can suddenly be given in response to a need
Response time
- Chapter 1: Pouring out of the Spirit
- We need the power of the Spirit. How did his coming change things?
- how hungry are you for more of the Spirit to be poured out?
- Do you still want more of him if he will lead you into fire?
- Pray for more power in our lives
- Chapter 2: Peter & the church
- What conditions are there in 2:38,39 for receiving the promised blessing of the Holy Spirit?
- The blessing of the Spirit is not a once-only event in our lives, but continuous and repeated.
- Lets particularly pray for Peters gift
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