The New Covenant
Terry Virgo: “Many many people in churches have not had a revelation of [the new covenant] to their hearts... Many have a mixture of Old covenant and New Covenant” (9-1:00,3:07)
I want to do three things in this presentation
- Describe what a covenant is
- Talk about the Old Covenant
- Explain the New Covenant
1. What is a covenant?
- a relationship (usually friendship or family), not a legal contract.
- today we have legal contracts, enforced by putting our signature on the bottom (e.g. story of DirectBuy)
- the only things in our society which are like covenants are marriages and adoptions
- even they are not quite the same as a covenant
- Abram & the smoking torch Follow along in Genesis 15
- Before we read this passage, it might seem strange to you, but this was the common way of doing things when you made a covenant.
- [enact role-play by cutting up transparencies]
- Pictures of animals used in the Genesis 15 covenant
- Note that this was a special covenant with Moses, not what we call the Old Covenant or the New Covenant
- read passage
- why does only God go between the pieces (not dependent on Abraham)
- so this is what a covenant is:
- very serious affair: life and death
- not just a legal agreement, but brings two people into a relationship
2 The Old Covenant
- God made a covenant with the whole nation of Israel in Old Testament times
- He gave them a lot of laws and commandments
- If they kept them, then he would give them
- financial blessing
- health and long life
- lots of children
- If then broke them then
- He would punish them
- He would take away all the good things
- Ultimately the nation would be destroyed
- If they kept them, then he would give them
- It was all based on their performance
- It was mostly external
- (this is an oversimplification because mixed in with these laws were promises of a new covenant)
- What does it mean to be living under the Old Covenant?
- They related to God as an authority figure
- who would judge them if they failed
- The Jews would never call God “Abba” (daddy)
- Blessings and cursings: Deut 27, 28, 29, 30 (e.g. 28:1-2 & 28:15)
- in fact, it was impossible for them to completely keep all the laws
- God was actually very patient with them
- but in the end the whole nation rebelled against God and all the curses came upon them
- They related to God as an authority figure
3 The New Covenant
- Hebrews 8:6-13 The overhead that contains the outline for the message is here
- Four promises (see overhead)
A. God’s law written on our hearts
- In Galatians Paul tells us that no matter how many laws you make, it can’t change the heart.
- Just imagine that the government passed a law that everyone must love each other—no more hate!
- But the Holy Spirit produces fruit in our lives: [Gal 5:22-23]
- “But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control. Against such there is no law.”
- However, it is not just that we have a new heart, the old one has been removed
- we have had a heart-transplant—we don’t have to carry on with our old lifestyle
- [role-play]
- we are free to serve Christ
- Recently I saw a trapped butterfly, under a piece of glass on our deck.
- If you throw a caterpillar up in the air and say “fly! fly!”, it won’t work
- but a butterfly naturally flies (unless it is trapped, and there are things that can ensnare us but that is another subject)
- we have had a heart-transplant—we don’t have to carry on with our old lifestyle
- relationship to the law
- Moses brought the 10 commandments
- Some teach that Jesus just gave us some more commands to add on to Moses, but that is a total misunderstanding
- The replacement for the law is not a new law, but a person, Jesus himself!!!!
- He says “follow me”, do what I do, think how I think, love others like I love others
- Goes far beyond a written list of rules
- Can we do it ?
- Not in our own strength, but Jesus is actually living in us through the Spirit.
- We are united with him
- he has defeated the power of sin and he is living within us
- e.g. girl who was recently saved. Her family started hostile, but stopped being antagonistic within days when they saw her change of life, and eventually were saved.
- It wasn’t that she now had more laws to obey!!
B. We will belong to him and he will belong to us
- The essence of the New Covenant:
- brought into God’s family
- we were enemies, in rebellion. Now we are brought into his family
- He is “ours”, in a sense he belongs to us as a possession, and we belong to him
- This is like love language, isn’t it:
- “I am my beloved’s and my beloved’s mine” [SongSol 6:3]
- secure!!!
- Three pictures or aspects of this relationship in the New Testament:
- Servants (Paul calls himself a “bondslave of Jesus Christ”)
- Children / Father (Adopted as “sons”)
- Jesus taught us to call the father “Abba”
- The Spirit puts that cry into us [Rom 8:1]
- Bride / Bridegroom
- A marriage is probably the closest thing we have today to a covenant (we don’t usually do the parts with the blood)
- Our wedding rings are the seals (get Anne to hold her hand up)
- What do they symbolize (all that is mine is yours)
- What is the seal of the New Covenant? (The Spirit e.g. Eph. 4:30)
- That is why it is so important that we experience being filled in a tangible way
- How do we live?
- lovers outperform servants
C. We can all hear God for ourselves and don’t need to be totally dependent on “priests”
- God still gives teachers to his people, but they are to be listened to with discernment
- Since we have the Spirit, we can discern truth from error
- The Bible is our primary authority, but we can all read it for ourselves!
- In O.T. times if someone wanted to know God’s will, they had to go to a prophet,
- but in the New Covenant, Jesus says “my sheep hear my voice”
D. Our sins are all forgiven
- In the Old Covenant you could never be sure that you had kept even the most basic laws
- You could spend your life worried and anxious about whether God would accept you.
- But many Christians today live lives full of
- condemnation
- guilt
- anxiety over their failings
- feelings of being inadequate and failing God all the time
- A sense that God is angry with them and is judging them
- The covenant God made with Abraham was a picture of the New Covenant in that it was unconditional
- A free gift
- We don’t have to do anything to earn it -> It was received by faith
- But God says: “I will forgive their wickedness, and their sins I will remember no more.”
- Don’t you get it? God is not counting your sins!!!!
- If you mess up today, he will have chosen to forget it tomorrow!
- (That doesn’t mean their are not consequences—if you get drunk and crash your car, you may find the police remember it.)
- (Also, God is committed to helping us get out of sinful lifestyle, but he will not ultimately count it against us)
- Once I was taking a course and just about to go into the exam when I added up my marks and realized I had already passed!
- What a relief! I didn’t even need to take the exam!
- You can imagine how it took the pressure off!
- We have already passed—Jesus has earned us a 100% grade
- Terry Virgo was preaching this once and a man at the back of the church interrupted him and shouted out:
- “That is the most scandalous thing I have ever heard!”
- “Then you very nearly understand it, Sir”
- People are offended by this teaching (and were when the Apostle Paul taught it), saying it will lead us into more sin...
- If it were not for the new heart and the relationship then it would!
- But the New Covenant is a package
- If someone does use it as an excuse for sinning freely, then they probably don’t actually have the new heart
- Summary: if you are a member of the New Covenant:
- You have a new heart, that like a butterfly wants to soar
- You are God’s beloved and he is your beloved. You are secure in the relationship
- You relate to God directly, not through priests
- You are totally forgiven and God is never judging you or condemning you
- We need to respond to this message!
- Maybe you are feeling condemned and a failure and want to enter into these truths more.
- “There is therefore now no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus...” [Rom 8:1]
- Maybe you are feeling condemned and a failure and want to enter into these truths more.
Updated 2009-10-12 (build:16) by Andrew Fountain
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