How to do a word study with eSword
- You can download eSword for free from
- don’t forget to load up with some Bibles (I recommend the ESV and NET bibles as well as The Message)
- get some commentaries and dictionaries as well
1. How to do a Greek word study without knowing any Greek
- Find the verse in the KJV+ translation (e.g. 1 Cor 12:8 —knowledge)
- Note that the KJV+ translation is one of the few that contain “Strong’s Numbers” which are the key to using Greek tools without having to know any Greek.
- All Greek words have been assigned a number which can be used to look them up or search for them
- right click on the “Strong’s number” (in this case
) and chose “quicksearch” -> New Testament
- This will give you a list of all the verses in the N.T. that contain that same Greek word
- Click on the small maroon
to save results in a “search list”
- eSword suggests a name for the search (such as G’1108’ search results).
- Add the word to make it easier to remember (e.g. knowledge ‘G1108’ search results)
- press [OK] and [Cancel] to close the search
- switch to your version of preference (such as the ESV)
- press the maroon
at the top of the screen
- select your verse list from the drop-down
- Now you can either
- look at the verses one at a time on the screen
- press the print icon to print them
- or the copy button
to the left of the list to paste them into your word-processor
2. How to see all the different Greek words for which we use the same English word
- Once again you have to start with the KJV+ (with Strong’s numbers)
- search for the word you are interested in (e.g.“perfect”) and check the (o) New Testement only
- there should be over 40 found, e.g:
Verse | Numerical Code |
Matthew 5:48 | 5046 |
Luke 1:3 | 199* |
Luke 6:40 | 2675* |
- How many different Greek words have been translated “perfect” in the King James Version of the New Testament?
- e.g.:
Verse | Numerical Code | Transliterated Word and Meaning |
Luke 6:40 | 2675 | katartizo - to complete thoroughly, i.e. repair (lit. or fig.) or adjust |
Acts 3:16 | 3647 | holokleria - integrity, i.e. physical wholeness |
- See example of a word study
- work through Ephesians example
- A word study of the word behind “burden” in Matt 11:30 is very helpful
- Response: Ask the Holy Spirit to show you who you need to “bear with”!
Updated 2009-10-09 (build:9) by Andrew Fountain
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