New Testament Survey
There are three parts to New Testament Survey
- Introduction (history, culture, documents, reliability etc.)
- Themes (The exciting new theology, and how the New Testament relates to the Old)
- Books (Book by book overview)
1. Introduction
- Timeline of the Old and New Testaments
- Divine Preparation for the New Testament
- The Documents of the New Testament
- What about people who say it was all made up by early Christians
2. Themes
2a. Fitting the Old and the New together
2b Jesus
2c Paul
3. The Books
- Acts How Acts Fits Together
- Paul
- Romans —the most organized plan of salvation
- 1 & 2 Corinthians —practical problems in the church, love and the gifts of the Spirit
- Galatians —not works but grace and the Spirit
- Ephesians —Union with Christ in the New Creation
- Philippians —joy and one-ness in Christ
- Colossians —Union with Christ in the New Creation full notes
- Thessulonians —Teachings, warnings and encouragements to the church
- 1 & 2 Timothy, Titus & Philemon —Personal practical letters
- Hebrews
- The General Epistles: James, 1 & 2 Peter, 1,2 & 3 John, Jude
- Revelation The Temple, from Eden to Revelation full notes
- Excellent Resource for N.T. books: Good quality material from Bob Utley