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The ProphetsGod used prophets to communicate with His people.  The Pre-exilic prophets urged the people to repent from their sins and turn from their idol worship, insisting that failure to repent would bring God's wrath on the nation and result in its destruction.  The Post-exilic prophets delivered an encouraging message of hope, stating that God was still with them and would restore them.

Prophets in Judah

Prophets in Judah

Prophets in Judah

Prophets in Judah













Prophets in Israel







Song of Songs

Song of Songs Song of Songs Song of Songs Song of Songs Song of Songs Song of Songs Song of Songs



1, 2, 3 John







Ecclesiastes Ecclesiastes Ecclesiastes


1, 2 Corinthians













1,2 Thessalonians


1, 2 Timothy




1 Chronicles

2 Chronicles 2 Chronicles 2 Chronicles 2 Chronicles













1 Samuel

2 Samuel

1 Kings

2 Kings

2 Kings

2 Kings





1, 2 Peter

Early Ages - Dates Uncertain

Early Ages - Dates Uncertain

Early Ages - Dates Uncertain

Early Ages - Dates Uncertain

Early Ages - Dates Uncertain

1000 BC

900 BC

800 BC

700 BC

600 BC

500 BC

400 BC

300 BC

200 BC

100 BC


AD 100


Adam and Eve Sinned




Noah and the Flood

The Tower of Babel

The Nation of Israel The Nation of Israel The Nation of Israel The Nation of Israel

The Patriarchs

God commanded Abraham to leave his homeland and go to a land God would show him.  God promised to bless Abraham, make him a great nation, and give land to his descendants.  Genesis 12.

Abraham, father of Isaac

Isaac, father of Jacob

Jacob, who God renamed Israel, had 12 sons that fathered the 12 tribes of Israel.

The 12 Tribes of Israel


Simeon Levi Judah
Dan Naphtali Gad Asher
Issachar Zebulun Joseph Benjamin

Slaves in Egypt

Joseph, one of Israel's 12 sons, was sold into slavery by his jealous brothers.  While Joseph was a slave in prison in Egypt, God gave him the ability to interpret a dream for Pharaoh.  As a reward, Pharaoh put Joseph in charge of all his affairs.  When Joseph's brothers came to Egypt for food during a famine, Joseph invited them and their father Israel to move to Egypt.  When the Israelites grew into a mighty people, the Egyptians feared them and forced them to become slaves.  The Israelites lived in Egypt 430 years.  Genesis 37 - Exodus 1


The Exodus and Desert Wanderings

God heard the cries of the Israelites suffering in slavery and sent Moses to rescue them from the Egyptians and to bring them to the land God promised Abraham.  Pharaoh released the Israelites after God sent ten plagues on the Egyptians.

Moses received the Ten Commandments from God and began Israel's religious practices according to God's commands.

After God led the Israelites to the Promised Land, they refused to take possession of the land because they feared the nations living in the land.  God punished the Israelites by causing them to wander in the desert for forty years.  God provided for and protected the Israelites during these desert wanderings.


Conquest of the Promised Land

Joshua led the Israelites in the battle to drive the foreign nations from the land God promised to Abraham.  It would be many years before Israel gained control of all the promised land.

Israel settled among the Canaanites instead of driving them from the land as God commanded.  Many Israelites adopted the Canaanite religion of Baalism.  The Israelite worship of pagan idols brought constant judgement from God.


The Judges of Israel

During the period of the Judges, God sent foreign armies against Israel to punish them for sin and to encourage repentance.  The oppressors included Canaanites, Philistines, Moabites, Ammonites, Midianites, and Amalekites.  When Israel repented, God raised up Judges to deliver the Israelites from the oppressors.

The Judges
Othniel Ehud Shamgar Deborah
Gideon Tola Jair Jephthah
Ibzan Elon Abdon Samson

Kings of the United Monarchy

Israel demanded a king to judge them and fight their battles instead of relying on God.  1 Samuel 8-10.

Saul David Solomon
1020 - 1000 BC 1000 - 960 BC 960 - 922 BC
God's Promise to David:  "I will set him over my house and my kingdom forever; his throne will be established forever."  1 Chronicles 17:14

The Nation of Israel Divides

When Solomon died, his son Rehoboam continued Solomon's unfair treatment of the people of Israel.  This unfair treatment caused the nation of Israel to split into the Northern kingdom of Israel and the Southern kingdom of Judah.  Jerusalem, the home of the Temple and the religious center for the entire nation, was located in Judah.  As a result, Jeroboam I, king of Israel, built temples at Dan and Bethel in the Northern kingdom.  He put golden calves in the temples which became a focus for Baal worship.  No king of Israel or Judah ever removed the golden calves.

Judah (Southern Kingdom) 922 - 586 BC - The kingdom of Judah continued the dynasty started by David.

Judah (Southern Kingdom) 922 - 586 BC

The End of The Kingdom - Each time Judah rebelled against Babylon, Nebuchadnezzar deported the leaders of Judah to Babylon.  Tiring of these rebellions, Nebuchadnezzar destroyed Jerusalem and the temple in 586 BC.  Israelites deported include Daniel, Hananiah, Mishael, Azariah, Jehoiachin, Ezekiel.

Rehoboam,  922-915 BC

Asa, 913-873 BC

Jehoram, 849-843 BC

Athaliah, 842-837 BC

Amaziah, 800-783 BC

Jotham, 742-735 BC

Hezekiah, 715-686 BC

Amon, 642-640 BC

Jehoahaz, 609 BC

Jehoiachin, 598-597 BC

Abijam, 915-913 BC

Jehoshaphat, 873-849 BC Ahaziah, 843-842 BC Joash, 837-800 BC Uzziah, 783-742 BC Ahaz, 735-715 BC Manasseh, 686-642 BC Josiah, 640-609 BC Jehoiakim, 609-598 BC Zedekiah, 597-586 BC

Babylonian Exile.  With the temple destroyed, the Israelites began to worship God in Synagogues.  Teachers of the law called Rabbis replaced the temple priests.  The study of and obedience to the Law replaced the sacrifice and ritual system previously practiced by Israel.

Israelites Live in Promised Land as a Community of Jews Under Foreign Rule

Israelites Live in Promised Land as a Community of Jews Under Foreign Rule

After defeating Babylon, Cyrus II issued an edict which allowed Israelites to return to the Promised Land and commanded that the Jerusalem temple be rebuilt.  Cyrus committed Persia to pay for the rebuilding of the temple.  The returning exiles completed the rebuilding of the temple in 520 BC at the urging of Haggai and Zechariah.

Ezra and Nehemiah return to Jerusalem and call for a spiritual renewal of the Israelites.  The city of Jerusalem is refortified.

In 168 BC, Antiochus IV desecrated the Jerusalem Temple and made the practice of Jewish religion a capital offense.


Independent Jewish State

In 167 BC the Jewish priest Mattathias began the Maccabean Revolt against the Greek rulers and their pagan practices.  Judas gained religious freedom for the Jews in 164 BC while Simon gained political freedom in 142 BC


Israelites Live Under Roman Rule

Pompey seizes Jerusalem when asked by the Jews to settle a civil war between Hyrcanus II and Aristobulus II.

Jesus Christ is born 

After a ministry of 2 to 3 years, Jesus dies on the cross about AD 30 for the sins of mankind and is buried.  On the third day after his death, Jesus is raised from the dead.  Over 500 eyewitnesses see Jesus after he was raised from the dead.

Jesus commands his followers to make disciples of all nations (Matt. 28:18-20).  The Apostles begin this mission after being filled with the Holy Spirit at Pentecost.  Paul joins the missionary force after his conversion at Damascus.

Israel (Northern Kingdom)  922 - 722 BC - The kingdom of Israel was ruled by a total of 19 kings from 9 different dynasties

The End of the Kingdom - Shalmaneser V of Assyria destroyed Samaria, the capital of Israel, in 722 BC.  The Assyrians deported citizens of Israel and brought captives from other areas to resettle Samaria.

Jeroboam I, 922-901 BC

Baasha, 900-877 BC Zimri, 876 BC Ahab, 869-850 BC Jehoram, 849-842 BC Jehoahaz, 815-802 BC Jeroboam II, 786-746 BC Shallum, 745 BC Pekahiah, 737-736 BC Hoshea, 732-724 BC

Nadab, 901-900 BC

Elah, 877-876 BC Omri, 876-869 BC Ahaziah, 850-849 BC Jehu, 842-815 BC Jehoash, 802-786 BC Zechariah, 746-745 BC Menahem, 745-737 BC Pekah, 736-732 BC

Assyria Rules Promised Land

Tiglath-Pileser III, 745-727 BC

Sargon I, 722-705 BC

Esarhaddon, 681-669 BC

Shalmaneser V, 727-722 BC

Sennacherib, 705-681 BC

Ashurbanipal II, 669-627 BC






Babylon Rules Promised Land

Nebuchadnezzar, 605-562 BC

Neriglissar, 560-556 BC

Nabonidus, 556-539 BC

Evil Merodoch, 562-560 BC Labashi-marduk, 556 BC
Persia Rules Promised Land Persia Rules Promised Land
Cyrus II, 559-530 BC Darius I Hystaspes, 522-486 BC Artaxerxes I Longimanus, 465-425 BC Darius II Nothus, 423-404 BC Artaxerxes III Ochus, 359-338 BC Darius III Codomannus, 336-330 BC
Cambyses II, 530-522 BC Xerxes I, 486-465 BC Xerxes II, 423 BC Artaxerxes II Mnemon, 404-359 BC Arses, 338-336 BC
Greece Rules Promised Land Greece Rules Promised Land
Alexander, 356-323 BC Ptolemy II Philadelphus, 285-246 BC Ptolemy IV Philopator, 221-203 BC Antiochus III, 200-187 BC Antiochus IV, 175-163 BC
Ptolemy I Soter, 323-285 BC Ptolemy III Euregetes, 246-221 BC Ptolemy V Epiphanes, 203-200 BC Seleucus IV, 187-175 BC

Mattathias, 167-166 BC

Judas, 166-160 BC
Jonathan, 160-142 BC Simon, 142-134 BC
John Hyrcanus, 135-104 BC Aristobulus, 104-103 BC
Alexander Jannaeus, 103-76 BC Salome Alexandra, 76-67 BC
Hyrcanus II, 67-63 BC Aristobulus II, 67-63 BC

Rome Rules the Promised Land

Caesar Augustus


Herod Archelaus Herod Antipas Herod Agrippa I Herod Agrippa II Pontius Pilate


King of Judea Ethnarch of Judea Tetrarch of Galilee King of Judea King of Chalcis Governor of Judea

27 BC - AD 14

37-4 BC 4 BC-AD 6 4 BC-AD 39 AD 37-44 AD 44-100 AD 26-36

Luke 2:1

Matt. 2:1-22 Matt. 2:22 Matt. 14:1-11 Acts 12 Acts 25 Matt. 27


This information is presented to help teachers serving in a Christian Preschool Ministry or a Children's Ministry or a Sunday School class teach children what the Bible says about God and the way He wants us to live.

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