The Tribulation (“Beginning of sorrows”) & Falling away
- Many deceivers and false Christs
- Wars and rumours of wars
- Famines, disease and earthquakes
- Tribulation & persecution
- Many will fall away/grow cold because of lawlessness
- Gospel preached to whole world
The Tribulation
- 2nd seal: wars
- 3rd seal: famine
- 4th seal: disease famine & sword causing death
The Falling away
- Falling away comes first
- “Mystery of Lawlessness” is already at work
- (see also 1 John 4:1-4 The Antichrist is already at work)
The Great Tribulation
- The Abomination is revealed
- False christs and false prophets do signs and wonders
- Great endurance is required [Mk 13:13]
Time of endurance
- 5th seal:
- Many have been martyred
- But the time is not quite ready for it to end
Man of Sin is revealed
- The “son of perdition”
- “opposes and exalts himself above all that is called God or that is worshiped, so that he sits as God in the temple of God, showing himself that he is God”
- The coming of the lawless one is according to the working of Satan, with all power, signs, and lying wonders
Shaking of Powers of Heaven
- The sun is darkened, moon fails and the stars fall from heaven
Shaking of Powers of Heaven
- 6th seal: The sun is darkened, moon fails and the stars fall from heaven
Return of Christ
- Great sound of a trumpet
- As obvious and visible as lightening flashing from the east to the west
- Come with power & great glory
- The nations will be terrified
- Elect will be gathered in
- so be prepared!
Return of Christ
- 6th seal continued
- As obvious and visible as the sky rolling up
- The nations will be terrified
- Elect will be gathered in to glory and every tear will be wiped away
- 7th seal: (judgement in next section)
Return of Christ
- “the Lord will consume the lawless one with the breath of his mouth and destroy with the brightness of his coming”
- believers will admire and glorify him
- unbelievers will be punished with everlasting destruction