Jesus, the one “From Above”
The Birth Story
- Why no story of Jesus’ birth in John?
- There is in Matthew and Luke
- Mark is a much shorter book, so it is not surprising that some parts get missed out
- But why not John?
- John was written much later and assumes you have read the other gospels
- For this reason, John has the luxury of being able to take time to talk about the meaning of events, not just the bare events.
- Actually, there IS the story of Jesus’ birth in John
1. Jesus came “from above”
- Two kinds of religion:
- those that try and reach up to God
- the one that depends on God reaching down to us
- We cannot reach up and find him, he has found us
- This is one of the central themes in the Gospel of John
- I am going to try and very simply explain to you this theme in John
2. We must be born “from above”
- John doesn’t waste any time in telling us this
3. Jesus constantly depended on power “from above”
- The next thing that John wants to show us is that Jesus, although he was God
- didn’t rely on his divine strength
- but on the power that was supplied to him moment by moment “from above”
- Although he could have done miracles in his own strength
- That would have defeated the purpose of him living as a human
- demonstrating to us how a human could and should live
- and fulfilling the requirement as our saviour
- Jesus didn’t only come from God, but he lived moment by moment depending on power from above
4. We need to depend on Jesus, just as Jesus did on the Father
- One of the reasons is to demonstrate to us a life of dependence
- Jesus uses the image of bread from heaven, taken from the time in the wilderness John 6:41-51, 57
5. The way this happens is through the Spirit
- Jesus says in exactly the same way that the Father sent him, he is sending us
- and we are empowered through the same Spirit: John 15:26; 17:18-23
- The Spirit is the way Jesus lives in us
- Live the way Jesus intended us to, moment by moment depending on him through the Spirit