1. Introduction to the Book of Psalms
Which book is:
- Quoted more in the NT than any other book
- Usually the first book of the OT to be translated into any language
- Often bound in with N.T.
- Much loved
- my own experience
- favourite Psalms? (why?)
- The largest book in the Bible is a book of music
- Luther: (Allen p.23)
- Why no musical notes?
- actually there is a whole system of marks, but the meaning is almost completely lost
- we do know where each line and verse ends from the Hebrew
- We have to be careful teaching this book that we dont end up with too much emphasis on analysing it and lose the wonder
- Nevertheless, when you put something that God has made under the microscope, you see more and more beauty
- So the goal of this course is to help us to appreciate the psalms
A. Name of the book
- Hebrew name: sefer tehillim (Book of Praises)
- abbreviated to tehillim (Praises)
- same basic word as halelu-Yah
- virtually every single psalm has some element of praise in it.
- Another title is prayers (see Ps 72.20)
- see also intro to Hannahs psalm of praise in Sam 2:1
- The word thanksgiving is also used as a title
- This is direct, i.e. addressed to God.
- Almost 2/3 of the psalms directly address God at some point
- This was common in early Christian hymns, but hymns written in the 1800 and 1900s rarely address God
- Much of Christian songwriting today has recaptured this lost aspect
- If the Psalms are sung prayers then they should usually be addressed to God
- Value of mixing prayer and singing in our worship
- The difference between praise and thanksgiving: Allen p.58-64
- Actually there is no Hebrew word for giving thanks
- The importance of being vocal and not quiet in our praises
- In ancient times, reading was always done aloud.
- This is actually a good way to read the Psalms
- So a second goal of this course is to help us praise God
B. Structure of Psalms
Division into Five books
Book 1 |
141 |
Book 2 |
4272 |
Book 3 |
7389 |
Book 4 |
90106 |
Book 5 |
107150 |
- There are some duplications, most notably Ps 14 = Ps 53
- Why is this?
- Arranged for a purpose, maybe some regular worship activity
- There is evidence that the whole 150 were carefully organized, since some Psalms link together with the previous.
- Some were actually joined originally (e.g. 9-10 are an acrostic. 42-43 have the same refrain, three times)
- Superscriptsbrief notes at the start of many psalms, are probably original and are best taken as accurate
- Jesus thinks so: Mark 12:35-37 (quoting Ps 110)
- In all Hebrew bibles, back to the very oldest ones, the superscripts are marked as the first verse
- Psalm 1 & 2 begin the collection
- Each book ends with doxology (Praise and glory to God)
- Book ends with 5 doxologies and then Ps 150 is entirely praise
- Note at end of 2nd book
other collections
- Ps 113-118 Hallel or Hymns of praise
- Ps 113-4 before the meal and 115-8 afterwards
- Last words in the light of what Jesus was about to do!
- Ps 120-134 Songs of Ascent
C. Approaches to studying the Psalms
- See it primarily as teachings (Early church, up to reformation)
- lack of focus on beauty and literature
- Reformation
- began (with Luther and Calvin) to value it as an art-form
- late 1800, early 1900s Analytical/Critical
- very little value. Very dry. (many of them were unbelievers)
- 1900s Historical approach
- tried to reconstruct a historical background to each psalm
- could become very speculative
- some useful insights
- Form critical approach
- focussed on the literary form of each psalm
- found 7 basic types (discuss later)
- a lot of useful insights in this approach
- Cultic (worship) approach
- attempts to reconstruct worship events for which there is very little evidence
- e.g. an annual autumn festival
- Eclectic approach (pick the best out of all the others)
- most good scholars today do this
D. Resources
- An entire online course on the Psalms: http://www.bible.org/series.php?series_id=144
- by Allen Ross, an excellent Hebrew scholar Note: this material seems to be no-longer available. See this link for information: Ross
- first class material at a good scholarly level (although some may find it a little dry)
- Another entire course, this time in audio: http://www.believerschapeldallas.org/OnlineMessages/DrBruceWaltke/tabid/175/Default.aspx
- By Bruce Waltke, one of the translators of the NIV
- Possibly the best Christian scholar today on the Psalms
- About 20 hours of audio. Very easy to listen to (he is a good speaker)
- Praise! A matter of Life and Breath, Ronald B. Allen (Nashville: Nelson, 1980)
- Allen was one of the translators of the NKJV
- PsalmsAn Introduction and Commentary, Derek Kidner (Downers Grove: IVP, 1973)
E. Authorship: The King & The Priests
- Half of them written by David & Solomon
- All the other named ones are priests
Example: Psalm 44