Paul has just been talking about what Christ has done for them on the cross
Is this a guilt trip? “Earn it!” ?
no, it could also be translated “as appropriately”
If prince William gets drunk, it is unworthy of his position as heir to the throne
But he doesn’t lose that position by getting drunk,
it is just inappropriate
what kind of lifestyle is appropriate to our new position in Christ?
v.2 love and kindness
v.3 unity
A Spirit filled church is not just about power
We have three things as our foundation, what are they?
Spirit of power, love as here, truth as Jesus promised
This is an expansion of the unity in v.3
one body: “If the foot should say, “Because I am not a hand, I do not belong to the body,” that would not make it any less a part of the body.” (1 Cor 12:15)
one Spirit: notice trinity
one hope: we all have the same destiny, we’ll be together for eternity!
one Lord (Jesus)
one faith: The truth we believe.
one baptism: We all died to the power of the old life and rose again as part of the New Creation
one God and Father: brothers and sisters
the key word here is measure, (lit metron in Greek from which we get metre)
The idea is that Jesus has given a measure of gift to each of us
image of a king in ancient times who is returning from victory
irony here is it is the captives who are getting the gifts
five fold?
They don’t do the ministry of building up, but equip every person to do it
have we arrived?
this is one of the passages that convinced me that prophecy is still for today
get someone to stand against the wall and “draw round them”
This is the climax to the whole passage
v.14 & 15 are opposites
Growth and maturity or wave-tossed and wind-blown
deceitfullness or love (truth is not just words, but actions as well)
So we can grow up to match the measure of Jesus
There seems to be a progress in time through the years and centuries
v.16 take clause by clause
note the word measure again—we each have our role, our assignment
the body grows by gifts excercised in love
Do you think they are all supernatural gifts?
are any gifts “natural” ?
no, but some not spectacular or supernatural in a “laws of physics” sense
two examples:
Gifts of the Spirit do not have to be supernatural