Romans 12-16
Romans 12:
[1-2] Living Sacrifice
[3-8] We all have a vital part to play
[9-21] Love one another as yourself
Romans 13:
[1-7] Follow the law in accordance with God’s will
[8-10] Love
[11-14] Get ready, Jesus is coming
Romans 14:
[1-4] Don’t pass judgement on others’ differences
[5-9] Living and living in God
[10-12] Everyone is equal
[13-23] Be cautious not to influence your brothers fall
Romans 15:
[1-4] Uphold your brother
[5-6] Unified in Christ
[7-13] Rejoice in unity together!
[14-16] Uphold the Gentiles
[17-21] Boasting in God’s truth
[22-24] Freedom to go to Spain
[25-29] Outline of visit
[30-33] Conclusion of letter
Romans 16:
[1-2] Giving insight
[3-16] Greetings
[17-20] Warning
[21-23] Greeting
[24-27] Conclusion
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