Roman 5-8

Romans 5-7 Breakdown
Declared Righteous
Romans 5
1-5 Rejoice in our sufferings
6-11 Declared Righteous by his blood
12-20 Righteousness reigned through one man, Jesus Christ
Dead to Sin, Alive in Christ
Romans 6
1-7 Our old man crucified with Christ
8-11 We too are alive in Christ
12-23 No longer slaves to sin
Defining the new life in the Spirit
Romans 7
1-3 The new law displayed through the example of a married women
4-6 Serve under a new life in the spirit
7-12 What is the law?
13-25 The waging war of flesh and spirit
Sons of God, Predestined, Called, Justified, Glorified
Romans 8
1-4 Walk according to Spirit
5-7 Mindset of the Spirit
8-11 Alive through the Spirit
12-17 Sons of God, heirs with Christ
18-23 The whole creation groans
24-25 Hope in the unseen
26-27 The Spirit knows God's will
28-30 Predestined, Called, Justified, Glorified
31-39 Nothing can separate us from the love of God
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