Due date: upload to loveintruth.com by the start of Friday’s class
Please add this assignment onto the end of the other two assignments, so all three are in one document. Then I can see all your work together.
In brief point form, list the steps of reasoning the author uses to accomplish his purpose. (Do not do the same as in step 3.3)
For each verse in your passage, write a brief explanation. Sometimes you may prefer to take a couple of verses together. If a verse is particularly important, then write more about it. To help you understand the meaning, you may wish to:
Summarize one or two central points that the author is making. These must be points that the author is setting out to make, (not teachings that you might be able to infer from the passage but are really derived from another part of Scripture).
Updated 2009-10-11 (build:14) by Andrew Fountain