Overview of Assignments: Studying a passage of Scripture
Part 1: Language and Culture
- 1.1 Select An English translation
- 1.2 Two word studies using words taken from your passage
- 1.3 (Grammatical & Literary Study)
- 1.4 (Cultural/Historical Insights to Passage)
Part 2: Larger Context (Background and Purpose of Book)
- 2.1 Occasion (circumstances) of writing
- 2.2 Purpose of the book
- 2.3 Outline of book
- 2.4 Purpose for this passage within the book
Part 3: The Message
- 3.1 Statement of the basic steps of reasoning within the passage
- 3.2 Which covenant period is the passage under?
- 3.3 Verse by verse explanation/interpretation
- Use Biblical Theology (e.g. compare with parallel passages)
- Use Systematic Theology (e.g. similar or contrasting teachings in Scripture)
- Point out any quotations of the Old Testament in the New
- Discuss alternative interpretations and give your preferred interpretation
- 3.4 Conclusions regarding the teachings of the passage
Part 4: Response
Updated 2009-10-07 (build:7) by Andrew Fountain