Gospel Preaching in Acts

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Appendix: Catalogue of Gospel Declarations in Acts

not rep. = message not reported

reference preacher place hearers length notes on content miracles results
2:14-39 Peter Jerusalem Jews full OT,  Christ, death, res, repent,
bapt, fulfilment, confront
tongues 3000 saved
3:6-7 Peter Temple gate lame man 1 sentence Christ lame healed man saved
3:11-4:4 Peter Solomon's porch Jews full O.T. Christ, fulfilment, confront,
judgement, repent, death, res, faith,
lame healed arrested. many believed.
4:8-12 Peter Sanhedrin Jews short confront, death, res, Christ lame healed forbidden to teach
5:29-32 Peter Sanhedrin Jews short Confront, res, repent, forgiveness   beaten
7:2-53 Stephen Sanhedrin Jews very full O.T. history, confront had done great wonders and signs stoned
8:4 disciples Judea Jews not rep. the word    
8:5-13 Philip Samaria Samaritans not rep. Kingdom, Jesus Christ demons, lame, paralysed, signs, miracles great joy in the city. Men & women baptized
8:25 Apostles Samaritan villages Samaritans not rep. the gospel    
8:26-39 Philip road Ethiopian short Jesus (from Is. 53)   saved, baptized
8:40 Philip cities Jews not rep. -    
9:20-22 Paul Damascus Jews not rep. Christ is the Son of God. Proved Jesus is the Christ   amazed and confounded the Jews
9:28-29 Paul Jerusalem Jews / Hellenists not rep. in the name of the Lord Jesus   attempted to kill him
9:32-43 Peter the country Jews no actual sermon   healing and raising from dead many believed.
10:34-48 Peter home of Cornelius Gentiles full peace, Jesus Christ, dead, res,
judgement, O.T. faith, forgiveness, (baptised)
2 visions Spirit fell on them: tongues
11:19-21 those scattered as far as Phoenicia, Cyprus & Antioch Jews only not rep. the word   great number believed & turned to the Lord
13:5 Paul & Barnabas Salamis in Cyprus Jews in synagogues not rep. the word of God    
13:6-12 Paul Paphos in Cyprus proconsul not rep. the teaching of the Lord Elymas the sorcerer blinded proconsul believed
13:14-41 Paul Antioch in Pisidia Jews in synagogue full OT (long), Jesus, death, res, forgiveness, believe, justified, warning of
  ultimately many saved (see below)
13:42-43 Paul & Barn. Antioch in Pisidia Jews and devout proselytes not rep. persuaded them to continue in the grace of God   (see below)
13:44-52 Paul & Barn. Antioch in Pisidia Jews and Gentiles brief OT,  judgement & confrontation of Jews, light to Gentiles   many believed
14:1-5 Paul & Barn. Iconium Jews and Greeks not rep. speaking boldly signs and wonders by their hands a great multitude, both Jews and Greeks believed
14:6-7 Paul & Barn. Lystra, Derbe & other cities   not rep. preaching the gospel    
14:8-20 Paul & Barn. Lystra Gentiles brief Witness of creation: idolatry vs. living God repentance lame man healed stoned almost to death
14:21 Paul & Barn. Derbe   not rep. preached the gospel   many disciples
14:25 Paul & Barn. Perga   not rep. preached the word    
15:35 Paul & Barn. Antioch     teaching and preaching the word of the Lord    
16:12-15 Paul & comp Philippi Jewish women not rep. we sat down and spoke to the women   The Lord opened her heard to heed the things
16:25-34 Paul & Silas Philippi Jailer & family brief believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and you will be saved earthquake all household saved
17:1-4 Paul Thessalonica Jews & devout Greeks brief reasoned from OT. expl. that Christ had to die & rise. Jesus is the
  some Jews, multitude of Greeks
17:10-13 Paul & Silas Berea Jews & Greeks not rep. they received the word &
searched the Scriptures
  many believed
17:16-17 Paul synagogue at Athens Jews & Gentile worshippers not rep. he reasoned daily    
17:18-34 Paul Areopagus at Athens Gentiles full idolatry, the true creator God, seek him, repent,
judgement, righteousness,
  some believed
18:4-6 Paul synagogue at Corinth Jews & Greeks not rep. reasoned & persuaded, testified that Jesus is the Christ   opposed him and blasphemed
18:7-11 Paul house at Corinth Gentiles not rep. teaching the word of God   many believed and were baptised
18:19 Paul synagogue at Ephesus Jews not rep. reasoned with them   wanted him to stay
18:27-28 Apollos Achaia Jews not rep. vigorously refuted the Jews publicly, showing from the Scriptures that Jesus
is the Christ
  greatly helped believers
19:8-9c Paul synagogue at Ephesus Jews not rep. reasoning and persuading concerning K. of God   some hardened, some disciples
19:9d-20 Paul school of Tyrannus, Ephesus Jews & Greeks not. rep. continued for two years

reasoning daily

unusual miracles (19:11) healing & demons, naked exorcists many believed, word of the Lord grew mightily
20:20-21 Paul Ephesus, publicly and from house to house Jews and Greeks brief repentance & faith toward Jesus Christ    
21:40-22:29 Paul steps of Jerusalem barracks Jews full testimony, Jesus, Gentiles   attempted lynching
22:30-23:10 Paul Sanhedrin Jews brief testimony, res.   great dissension
24:10-22 Paul before Felix Gentiles, Jews full O.T., testimony, judgement    
24:25 Paul before Felix & Drusilla Gentiles brief righteousness, self control & judgement to come   Felix afraid, said ‘go away’
25:6-12 Paul before Festus Gentiles, Jews not rep.     nothing
26:1-32 Paul before Agrippa Gentiles, Jews full testimony, OT, res, Jesus, repent, forgiveness,
inheritance, faith, works, believe, Gentiles
28:1-10 Paul Malta Gentiles not rep.   Paul survived viper, and healed many not rep.
28:17-29 Paul lodging in Rome Jews brief testimony, OT (both law & prophets), kingdom of God, Jesus, Gentiles,
  some persuaded, some not
28:30-31 Paul lodging in Rome Gentiles brief preaching the K. of God, teaching re. Jesus Christ   continued 2 years with confidence
