Part 3b - The Second Scroll: Seven Visions of Victory [17-19]
note: these are very brief notes
C. Seven Visions of Victory
- Description of Babylon [17]
- If Jerusalem represents the people of God, the bride of Christ adorned for her husband [21:2]
- Babylon is the prostitute, the evil counterpart to Jerusalem
- She is the fake bride [17:3-4]
- She represents the seduction of wealth and sex and has damaged the people of God [17:6]
- 10 kings will rule for one hour and turn on Babylon
- Babylon will fall in a single day, a single hour [18]
- There is a surprisingly long description of the weeping and mourning for the loss of this city
- Many people have identified Babylon with the Roman empire because of the 7 hills on which Rome was built [17:9]
- When Rome fell, the whole world was plunged into centuries of dark ages
- The Roman empire was an empire of trade, of luxury, and of increasing sexual corruption
- [v.8-9] tell us that (along with the beast that carries it) it “was”, “is not” and “is to come”
- Some have speculated that in many ways our world system is like the Roman empire both in wealth and corruption
- If this were true, this event could be world economic collapse
- What is Babylon?
- probably the culture of sensual luxury, entertainment, sexual immorality, idolatry, earthly and fleshly pleasure that “rides on the back of the beast”, i.e. is supported by its economic/power system
- A vast throng praises God for his judgements [19:1-5]
- The wedding of the Lamb and his bride is announced [19:6-10]
- Christ appears with army dressed in white [19:11-16]
- Announcement of battle [19:17-18]
- Great battle: Beast & False Prophet thrown into lake of fire [19:19-21]
- Note the order of destruction is the reverse of the order they are introduced in this scroll
- Dragon
- Beast
- False Prophet
- Babylon
- Note also that the images are consistent throughout all 4 visions of the second scroll, re-enforcing the idea that they form a unity, separate from the first scroll
Parallel’s with the History of Israel
- There are some Interesting parallels between the events of Revelation and the history of the nation of Israel in the O.T.
Updated on 2011-05-27 by Andrew Fountain -
The History of Israel as a Prophetic Sequence Reflected in Revelation
- Pharoah tries to kill the male children
- As the Israelites escape from Egypt and are chased, water blocks them. God dries up the water and they are safe in the wilderness
- Jesus Christ appears as their King, carrying a sword (to Joshua)
- They go through a long period of wars/famines/oppression during the time of the Judges
- This comes to a climax in the oppression of the Philistines, and many Israelites falling back into heathen practices
- The people want a leader, and Saul, the “anti-David” is crowned King
- Saul turns out to be demonized and persecutes David and his followers
- David is finally crowned king and brings victory over all the nations
- He brings the nation into rest and establishes the kingdom
- Jerusalem is established as the place of God’s presence
- Finally a glorious temple is built, full of gold and precious stones
- The following are parallel images found in Revelation, but not in exact time sequence:
- Plagues on the Egyptians that didn’t touch the people of God
- Purpose was that Egyptians should repent, but most of them didn’t (some did and joined God’s people)
- The mark (seal) on the homes of believers protected them from the Angel who brought death
- Armageddon (Megiddo) — The great battle when the kings gathered against the people of God in the time of the judges Deborah & Barak [Judges 5]:
- Kings came, they fought; the kings of Canaan fought,
at Taanach by the waters of Megiddo, but they took no silver as plunder.
Updated on 2011-05-27 by Andrew Fountain -
Sequence of events in Revelation
this is only a rough outline. Don’t hold me to it!
- Jesus born
- Died on the cross, rose again and defeated Satan =Dragon bound (a-millennial)
- Ascended to the throne and began his rule
- Church is protected for a period of time
- tribulation, wars disease etc.
- the Antichrist secretly growing in strength
- not explicitly stated, but at some point probably great numbers of ethnic Israel are saved
- Antichrist revealed, Great Tribulation begins
- Beast will come up out of the abyss (before going to destruction) =Dragon released (a-millennial)
- for 3½ years beast given ruling authority & permitted to war against the saints & conquer them
- persecution and martyrdom
- martyrs are with Christ in long white robes, praying for an end
- beast is given power
- Special sealing of Christians with the Spirit begins
- All believers sealed. “Day of wrath” / “Great shaking” begins
- The world is shaken
- Demonic armies are released causing terrible pain
- Cannot touch Christians since they are “sealed”
- A vast army is gathered together against the Christians
- They appear to be defeating the Christians
- Jesus appears in the clouds and the Christians rise to meet him
- 10 kings will rule for “one hour” and turn on Babylon
- Babylon will fall in a single day, a single hour with a “great earthquake”
- Christ comes to battle with army dressed in white
- Great battle: Beast & False Prophet thrown into lake of fire
- The Dragon subdued for 1000 years & released (pre-millennial)
- The Dragon fights, and is thrown into lake of fire
- Great white throne. The dead are judged
- A new heaven and a new earth
- The bride adorned for her husband. “Behold, I am making all things new!”
- The beauty of the city (the wife of the Lamb)
- The River of Life (Holy Spirit)
Updated on 2011-05-27 by Andrew Fountain -