3c - The Flow of Argument Regarding Election [9:6-23]
- The problem the Jews has was that they regarded God’s blessing at their birthright
- God owed it to them to bless them
- In order to deal with them, Paul needs to point out the difference between
- what is a free gift and what is a right
- If someone gives a gift, then they can chose whom to give it to
- Abraham was given a promise and this was to apply to his “seed” as well
- But God is free to chose which child to give the gift to
- If this were not true, then it woundn’t really be a free gift, but earned
- We must be very clear that God was extremely kind to Esau and blessed him massively
- (This is also true of Ishmael)
- So the expression “Esau I hated” must be taken as comparative with Jacob, for the sake of emphasis
The argument flows like this:
- Because of the Jewish misconceptions, Paul needs to discuss election
- otherwise it looks like God’s promises have failed
- The promise to Abraham didn’t apply to all his physical children
- only the promised one, Isaac
- The promise then fell on Jacob
- but this was nothing to do with his performance else it would be works, not grace
- This raises the question: Is God unjust not to treat everyone the same?
- No, God has a right to give out his gifts of mercy to whomever he desires—it is his gift
- If God choses not to show mercy on someone, then they become “hard”
- the way it is written could look like God’s fault that Pharaoh is hard
- this is the hardest bit of the whole passage!!!
- but Exodus tells us he hardened himself willingly
- Here we up against the mystery of Pharaoh’s free will, and God’s overall sovereignty
- both of them are true—God never compelled Pharaoh in any way, but showed only grace to him
- however God is said to have “hardened him” —God “gave up” communicating with him in the end, which allowed him to go his own way
- Parents might reluctantly give up trying to discipline a rebellious teenager
- This action could cause the teenager to go into sin, but they are still responsible
- Nobody forced Pharaoh to take the actions he did—it was from his own free volition
- Yet doing what he did allowed God to give Israel the greatest picture of freedom from Satan’s power
- There was a free choice about who was on the ark or not—Noah didn’t have to turn anyone away
- God punished them all with destruction, but it was their own fault
- Yet it was all in God’s plan
- In God’s sovereign plan, even rebellious people end up by causing good things to happen
- Just because God used Pharaoh’s evil to accomplish so much good, doesn’t mean Pharaoh should be rewarded
- e.g. Judas!
- The same logic would reward Satan for his evil which allows God’s love to shine so brightly
- How then can God punish such a person, since good came of it?
- God has a right to do what he likes, just like a potter
- But God is not actually a hard-hearted potter (although he has a right to be), but is longsuffering.
- Some people have come up with the idea of “double predestination”. Two reasons why not taught here:
- Paul does not say “God Does”, but “what if God”
- different words are chosen to describe the two groups.
- The first is prepared (Greek: made-ready) for destruction
- while the second is prepared beforehand, a different word in Greek.
- Although the effect of God choosing some must mean that others are damned, it is not the same as saying that God has chosen some for damnation.