8. Messianic References in the Psalms
- There will be two recurring elements in all these prophecies
- the Messiah was to be a man from a certain line in the nation of Israel
- the LORD Himself was to come to the earth to reign
The Israelite hearer of these messages may not have been able to bring these emphases together except in a general or spiritual way, namely, that God was to be with the Messiah and rule through him. The New Testament would declare their fulfillment in the incarnation. (Ross)
Psalm 20
Typological Relationship
- It is not the Psalms that are Messianic, but the annointed king who is
- David was a type of Christ, and so to some extent was the line of kings that came from him
- This is the basis for making an application to Christ.
- Directly prophetic: Ps 110
- Other Psalms: (see Ross)