Assignment 1 - Word Study

Due date: upload to by the start of Wednesday’s class

Part 1: Language and Culture

1.1 Select An English translation

Select an English translation of the passage that has been assigned to you, taken from a modern version that is fairly literal (Three suitable translations would be ESV, NKJV or NASB). This translation will be the basis for the work you do later in your paper. (It should not be a photocopy, but should be pasted from eSword or re-typed so that it can be part of your final paper.)

1.2 Two word studies using words taken from your passage:

Choose words which are significant in the passage. Use the format and method presented in the lecture and in the example handed out, taking care to ensure that the study is based, not on the English word, but on the Greek word which underlies the English. This should be done with a computer Bible such as eSword.

  • You must chose a word that occurs at least five times in the New Testament. Extra marks will be given for dividing occurrences of the word into different usages.
  • If you don’t have space for all the references, give the total number of references and how many fall into each catagory of meaning.
  • Each word study should be no more than 1½ pages in length (three pages max. for the both studies). No marks will be given if just the raw concordance information is presented. Some attempt must be made to categorize the meanings.

Instructions for uploading your assignment

  • Go to
    • Make sure you are logged in with your username and password
    • Click on Assignment 1
      • Click on Post new forum topic (at the top)
    • Type your name as the Subject
    • You don’t have to change the Forums: box
      • Put the date in the body (you can add any comments here)
    • Click on File Attachments
      • Press the [Browse] button and select the assignment on your computer
      • Press [Attach]
    • Don’t Forget to press [Submit] at the very bottom of the page
    • Your name will now be listed under “topic”
  • If it is your own computer, don’t log out, just close the browser

If you have any questions, you may email me at [email protected]

Updated 2009-10-11 (build:14) by Andrew Fountain