The Book of Acts

Acts Class Notes Andrew Fountain, April 2010

Introduction to Acts

1: Goal for the course: To hear what Holy Spirit has to say to us through what he has written

  1. Why study the Bible if we have the Holy Spirit?
    • The Spirit speaks in a different kind of way through the Scriptures as compared with dreams, visions and prophecies
      • Final authority
      • Clarity
      • Not just applicable to individuals, but universal
      • but not as intimate or personal
    • Of course he can and does use the Scriptures to give us a personal word
  2. Why study Acts in particular?
    • Luke gives us a “model” for the church
    • This model is not optional
    • If we are longing for the blessings and power of the early church, we need to study Acts seriously
  3. Acts is an incredibly well crafted book
    • Luke has not just sat down and scribbled it out
    • His Gospel and Acts were his life’s work
    • The Spirit helped him choose every word
  4. The need for Teaching and Response

2: How Acts hangs together

Section 1: "They’ve just Begun" [1]

Review of Outline of Acts

The text [handout]

Peter’s Sermon

2:42-47 Characteristics of a healthy church

Other questions:

Response time

Section 2: "They start to Do" [3]

Review of Outline of Acts

Response time

Section 3: "They’re forced to flee" [6:8]

Review of Outline of Acts

A. Stephen

B. Philip

C. Saul

Response time

Section 4: "God opens Doors" [9:32]

Review of Outline of Acts

Once again, this new move is totally driven by the Holy Spirit.

  • Door to the Gentiles
  • Peter’s prison doors!

4.1 Peter raises the dead

4.2 Salvation comes to the Gentiles

Gospel comes to the Gentiles

4.3 A church is planted in Antioch

4.4 Peter freed from prison

Response time

Section 5: "A Missions Drive" [13]

Review of Outline of Acts


  • Journey to Galatia via Cyprus [13-14]
    • Paul and Barnabas set apart [13:1-3]
    • Cyprus: Elymas struck blind [13:4-12]
    • Pisidia: preached in Synagogue [13:13-52]
    • Iconium: signs & wonders [14:1-7]
    • Lystra: Cripple healed, Paul stoned [14:8-20]
    • Back to Antioch [14:21-28]
  • Jerusalem council about Gentiles [15:1-35]
    • Dispute about circumcision [15:1-5]
    • The apostles and elders meet [15:6-29]
    • The churches are encouraged [15:30-35]
  • Paul returns to Galatia & strengthens the churches [15:36-16:5]

5.1 Journey to Galatia via Cyprus [13-14]

Paul and Barnabas set apart [13:1-3]

Cyprus: Elymas struck blind [13:4-12]

Pisidia: preached in Synagogue [13:13-52]

Iconium: signs & wonders [14:1-7]

Lystra: Cripple healed, Paul stoned [14:8-20]

Back to Antioch [14:21-28]

5.2 Jerusalem council about Gentiles [15:1-35]

Dispute about circumcision [15:1-5]

The apostles and elders meet [15:6-29]

The churches are encouraged [15:30-35]

5.3 Paul returns to Galatia & strengthens the churches [15:36-16:5]

Response time

Section 6: "Extended Trips" [16:6]

Review of Outline of Acts


  • Mission trip to Greece
    • Holy Spirit direction [16:6-10]
    • Philippi: Lydia & Jailer [16:11-40]
    • Thessalonica: attacked [17:1-9]
    • Berea: received the word [17:10-15]
    • Athens: preached to pagans [17:16-34]
    • Corinth: Two years of teaching [18:1-17]
    • Return to Antioch [18:18-22]
  • Ephesus: Two years of teaching & miracles [18:23-19:20]

6.1 Mission trip to Greece [16:6-18:22]

Holy Spirit direction [16:6-10]

Philippi: Lydia & Jailer [16:11-40]

Thessalonica: attacked [17:1-9]

Berea: received the word [17:10-15]

Athens: preached to pagans [17:16-34]

Corinth: Two years of teaching [18:1-17]

Return to Antioch [18:18-22]

6.2 Ephesus: Two years of teaching & miracles [18:23-19:20]

Response time

Section 7: "To Rome then Heaven" [19:21]

Review of Outline of Acts


  • Revisited the churches [19:21-21:14]
    • Uproar in Ephesus [19:23-19:41]
    • Revisited Greece [20:1-6]
    • Man raised from the dead [20:7-12]
    • Ephesus: tearful goodbyes [20:13-38]
    • Prophetic warnings [21:1-14]
  • Arrest and trials [21:15-26:32]
    • Trouble in Jerusalem [21:15-36]
    • Testimony to Jews [21:37-22:29]
    • Tried by Jewish leaders [22:30-23:11]
    • Tried by Felix [23:12-24:27]
    • Tried by Festus [25:1-12]
    • Tried by Agrippa (testimony) [25:13-26:32]
  • Journey to Rome [27-28]
    • Shipwreck [27:9-44]
    • Malta: Snakebite & healing [28:1-10]
    • Rome: proclaiming the Kingdom without hindrance [28:11-30]

7.1 Revisited the churches [19:21-21:14]

Uproar in Ephesus [19:23-19:41]

Revisited Greece [20:1-6]

Man raised from the dead [20:7-12]

Ephesus: tearful goodbyes [20:13-38]

Prophetic warnings [21:1-14]

7.2 Arrest and trials [21:15-26:32]

Trouble in Jerusalem [21:15-36]

Testimony to Jews [21:37-22:29]

Tried by Jewish leaders [22:30-23:11]

Tried by Felix [23:12-24:27]

Tried by Festus [25:1-12]

Tried by Agrippa (testimony) [25:13-26:32]

7.3 Journey to Rome [27-28]

Shipwreck [27:9-44]

Malta: Snakebite & healing [28:1-10]

Rome: proclaiming the Kingdom without hindrance [28:11-30]

  • [28:26-27] is a hard quote. What does it mean?

Response time

Detailed Outline of Acts

§1. They’ve just Begun [1]

§2. They start to Do [3]

§3. They’re forced to flee [6:8]

§4. God Opens Doors [9:32]

§5. A Missions drive [13]

§6. Extended Trips [16:6]

§7. To Rome, then heaven [19:21]